The Rosie Jane fragrance sampler truly surprised me! Most of the scents are quite long lasting! Many of the fragrances in the set were appealing to me. My top 3 favorites are Leila Lou, Missy, and James.
Leila Lou is an intoxicating sweet floral scent. I feel it does have a youthful energy about it/might skew a little young. Definitely not a super sophisticated or complex scent but I like how bright and flowery it is. Reminds me of Hawaii.
Missy is uplifting and nostalgic. It’s a nice summery coconut forward scent that reminds me of beach days and tanning lotion. I like this one a lot.
James is reminiscent of fragrances that I typically gravitate to; it reminds me of honeysuckle. It is not quite as bold or long lasting as some of the others but I would definitely pick up a full size bottle of this one.