dermalux flex md

My Honest Dermalux Flex MD Review: Worth Your Buy?

In today’s article, I’m sharing my honest review of the Dermalux Flex MD and whether it’s worth buying or not. f you’ve ever wondered what the most powerful LED system for at-home use is, it’s the Dermalux Flex MD. This is by far the most expensive LED light therapy device I own and I own at least five. It goes without saying, a $2500 product is not going to make sense for most of you. This is a device used professionally at aesthetic clinics and even rented out to clients.

Dermalux Flex MD

Dermalux rejuvenates skin cells and is medically CE certified for psoriasis, wound healing, acne and pain relief and is powered by Tri-Wave MD technology. The more precise the wavelength the more effective the man and the Flex delivers clinically proven Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm via single wavelength LED’s to ensure precision and optimum optical power.

Dermalux Flex MD

Dermalux has also been proven to be stronger than other devices. Results from independent testing demonstrated the Flex MD to be at least 3 times more powerful.

The other main difference between Demalux and other facial LED masks is the Dermalux is versatile for both body and face. The panel can be laid flat against any other part of the body to treat other areas besides the face.

dermalux flex md



Dermalux does not use “off the shelf” LED’s and has developed their own bespoke LED’s that are configured to deliver more photons to the treatment area than any other LED device available. They have +/- 2nm peak emission tolerance, which ensures targeted energy is only delivered at the intended wavelength for optimum absorption of light. Many competitor LED devices have a peak emission tolerance ranging up to +/- 50nm so much of the light energy is wasted.

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dermalux flex md

Dermalux was also voted Treatment of The Year for five consecutive years at the UK Aesthetic Awards.

All the parts are surprisingly light and easy to handle. I always do my red light therapy sessions on the bed and don’t find it a hassle taking it on and off. That would have been pretty annoying.

My trick to getting in the full 30 minutes regularly, because that’s a long time to be lying idle when we’re all so busy, is to use it during my morning snooze time. I keep the Dermalux right by my bed, so when I wake up, the first thing I do is put it on the bed and then start a session during the time I would snooze anyways. Works like a charm. Otherwise, if I do it during the evening I get too antsy and never finish the full 30 minutes.

dermalux flex md

How To Use Dermalux Flex

You must be lying down for the 30 minute treatment, so it doesn’t offer the multi-tasking ability of silicone masks but functions exactly like an in-office treatment. It comes with the head cushion for optimal comfort and goggle to protect your eyes. I find the control panel outdated looking, but it works just fine.

My Thoughts

This is definitely the most powerful device I’ve used and my skin really does look more vibrant and radiant after a 30 minute treatment. I like to use all 3 wavelengths even though you can use them individually.

I love that I don’t have to pay for an entire facial and can do my favorite portion of a facial anytime I like in the comfort of my home. But, this isn’t something I would recommend unless the price tag doesn’t faze you as there’s plenty of more affordable devices albeit not as powerful.

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If you’re an independent esthetician or facialist, I think Dermalux would be great if you want to give your clients the very best.

Dermalux Flex Discount Code – OBLFLEX

Discount code OBLFLEX saves $125 on the Dermalux Flex at skincare device store CurrentBody.

dermalux flex md

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