Interview with MyMiniReviews

You might remember Antonella as MyMiniReviews on Instagram. She’s an Instablogger in the green beauty community and esthetician that I once had on the blog during my “Skin Talk” series where I interviewed estheticians. Like many others I’ve known during my time on Instagram, she quietly disappeared without a word, so I was happy to hear from her when she messaged me. It turns out she was diagnosed with cancer from the HPV virus and on her 21st birthday no less. Obviously it’s scary to open up about such a thing on one’s Instagram so I offered doing an interview style post for her – which I’m not sure is less or more scary. But whatever the case, go show her some love on Instagram and say hey!

Image result for q iconYou’ve been through a difficult time. Can you share with us what happened?

Image result for letter aYes! Unfortunately I’ve been having lots of health issues on and off. The past year and a half I was going through a lot of ovarian health issues, I was having back to back ovarian cysts that kept rupturing and was diagnosed with endometriosis. I kept having excruciating cramps and knew something was off. I also had a complicated lower eyelid surgery. Due to my accident back in 2013 where I had to get facial reconstruction surgery and had a few more after. I also wanted a break from the green beauty community I’ve been a bit disappointed with certain brands and just there not being much diversity going on.

Image result for q iconWhat has been helping you cope?
Image result for letter aI give thanks to our creator, praying, keeping myself focused with scriptures.  Thankful for certain family and friends. I was doing a lot of yoga too and meditation.

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Image result for q iconHas this experience changed you at all?
Image result for letter aIt’s made me more patient and understanding. And stronger!

Image result for q iconHave you noticed any change in your skin? How have you adjusted your skincare?

Image result for letter aYes I have! My skin was breaking out for awhile due to hormonal issues. I also adjusted my skincare to a much simpler routine, being in the esthetics field I always have a ton of products to try.

Image result for q iconAnother skincare question, what do you recommend for pre-fall skincare.

Image result for letter aI love an antioxidant serum for the daytime! Of course a good exfoliador for once a week. And a lot of people might find they need a thicker cream for their Face and body.

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