From light to dark roast, I tested a dozen organic coffee brands to find the best mold-free cup of joe. I finally created my non-toxic coffee guide to help you find the healthiest beans that fit your budget, lifestyle and taste! Plus, I’ll share why I ditched commercial coffee, what exactly to look for and an in-depth comparison of all the top-rated brands I tested!

Why I switched to organic coffee
First off, you might be wondering how the heck there’s mold in coffee and “what in the world are mycotoxins?!” That was me years ago. Yes, coffee is susceptible to mold depending on the climate it grows in and how it’s processed and stored. Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by mold, which are commonly found at trace levels in various foods like cereal, peanut butter, nuts, and alcohol. The most commonly encountered mycotoxins are Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin A (OTA), and fumonisin B1 (FB1). Over 90% of commercial coffee is contaminated with mold and most companies don’t go to the extra mile of third party testing their coffee to ensure it’s safe.
Generally speaking, if you’re a healthy adult, your liver already does a great job at neutralizing and detoxifying it out of your body. But for us coffee obsessed folks, the risk lies in regularly consuming it. Plus, some people are just sensitive to mold or are already overexposed to toxins, leading to adverse effects like nausea, skin inflammation, GI issues, chronic exhaustion, sinus infections, cold and flu-like symptoms, immune deficiency, and more. It’s also been found in human breast milk, so pregnant and nursing women may want to avoid.
But, I want to emphasize that choosing clean coffee isn’t just for our physical health! It’s also about the health of the planet and the welfare of the workers along the ENTIRE farm-to-cup journey. If you care about these things, then organic is the way to go.
My two cents
I don’t think that people who only occasionally drink coffee and are otherwise not sensitive to mold or are immune compromised need to throw out all their coffee. But since I drink multiple cups of coffee each day, this is one easy and super effective way to do reduce my body’s toxic load.
I’d love to hear from you – which has been your favorite organic coffee brand so far?

How to find the best non-toxic coffee
It’s super easy these days because there’s tons of amazing companies that go above and beyond in making the healthiest coffee possible! You want to look for ones that are certified organic, 3rd party tested, mold-free, mycotoxin-free, single origin, shade grown, low acid, and ideally made in small batches for higher quality control. For even higher quality, you can also look for biodynamic, sustainably and regeneratively farmed, artisan roasted and, of course, the most delicious tasting coffee (what’s the point if it isn’t yummy?!).

A note on Decaf Coffee
Keep in mind that decaf coffee & instant coffee are higher in mycotoxins. If you drink caffeine-free coffee only, then I highly recommend opting for a brand that tests for them. Most coffee manufacturers today use chemicals that are commonly used in paint removers like methylene chloride and ethyl acetate (this is the main ingredient in my nail polish remover!) to strip away caffeine. The levels that remain are under FDA limits, but I’d rather avoid since there ARE methods that don’t require the use of these toxins. Also, pregnant women and people with health conditions are more vulnerable to the effects of these trace chemicals. Plus I had my boyfriend who doesn’t drink caffeine switch to organic decaf and he was blown away by the quality of the taste and can’t go back to commercial!

Coffee certifications explained
Looking for these certifications can help you find the very best of the best, but just because a company doesn’t have some of these doesn’t mean that they make bad coffee. Here are some certifications that show their coffee has been vetted:
- Certified Organic: Verifies organic farming methods without synthetic chemicals. It can be certified by USDA, EcoCert, CCOF and OCIA.
- Fair Trade Certified: Ensures fair prices and social standards for small-scale farmers.
- Rainforest Alliance Certified: Verifies that the coffee has been produced in a way that promotes environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
- Specialty Grade: To be considered Specialty, the coffee must score 80 points or higher on a 100 point scale SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) or by a licensed Q-grader. The coffee is scored based on attributes like acidity, body, flavor and aroma.
- Demeter-certified Biodynamic: Guarantees the coffee is made from biodynamic agriculture and a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming.
- Regeneratively farmed: Meets the highest standards in the world for soil health, biodiversity protection, promoting human rights and building climate resilience.

Mold-Free Coffee Compared

I tried Holistic Roasters Biodynamic Coffee (highest quality!)
I found Biodynamic Coffee by Holistic Roasters to be THE healthiest coffee on the market, hands down. They not only tick all the usual boxes, but they go above and beyond across certifications, sustainability, freshness and transparency. Besides being lab tested (with results available on their site), USDA Organic and Specialty Grade, they’re also Demeter-certified Biodynamic and Ecocert certified.
It’s a step above just organic coffee and means exceptional care has gone into every stage of growing, harvesting, processing, sorting, drying, and shipping. All their single origin Arabica coffee beans are shade grown using regenerative organic farming practices that improve soil’s natural fertility while eliminating the need for pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers. They don’t just claim their coffee is freshly roasted, they actually ship directly from their roasting facility within one week of roast date (they roast fresh every Mon & Wed). Meanwhile, all that coffee sitting in grocery stores are stale. Naturally, it tastes seriously delicious! I tried all three roasts using both my moka pot and French press and love the medium roast the most. The light roast is insanely smooth and easy on my stomach, and both the medium and dark roast have amazing depth and flavor!
There’s 3 roast options: light (Rubicon), medium (Rise & Shine) and dark (French Roast) plus 8 different grinding options to choose from depending on how you want to brew your coffee (whole bean, French press, pourover, drip, filter, espresso and more). It’s truly a coffee snob’s dream come true!
Price: $19.95 for 10.5 oz / $57.95 for 32 oz / $133 for 2 lbs
How it tastes: rich, nutty and bold
Bean type: whole bean, French press, pourover, drip, mocha pot, medium espresso, fine espresso and very fine espresso
Bag size: 10.5 oz, 32 oz and 2 lbs
Decaf available: Yes (sister brand Melk Organics available on their site)
✔ Produced on regenerative organic farms ✔ Specialty Grade (85-87) ✔ 3rd party tested free ✔ USDA Organic ✔ Demeter-certified Biodynamic ✔ Ecocert
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I tried Fabula Coffee (best flavor!)
I’ve gone through several bags of Fabula Coffee and they have the best tasting organic coffee on the market in my opinion. There’s so many varietals and the taste just hits different, even with their decaf! Fabula is just soo flavorful, complex and addictive – a coffee connoisseur’s dream. I use my moka pot for an espresso like drink (they do have an espresso blend) and my French press as well. I love that they even have yummy flavored coffees like Buttery Caramel and Chocolate Nut, plus limited edition roasts every month. The quality is top tier as they’re USDA certified organic, fair trade, low-acid, mold-free, mycotoxin-free shade grown, small-batch made and tested at independent laboratories for more than 350 chemical compounds and mycotoxins.
Sadly, Fabula also happens to be one of the more expensive options (unless you buy multiple bags), but you get what you pay for. I also wish they had larger bag sizes because I run through mine so fast.

Price: $28 for 12 oz
How it tastes: sooo rich, flavorful and complex
Bean type: Ground, whole bean and pods
Bag size: 12 oz only
Decaf available: Yes
✔ USDA Certified Organic ✔ Specialty Grade ✔ 3rd party tested for more than 350 chemical compounds and mycotoxins
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I tried Purity Coffee
Purity’s organic coffee was the first clean coffee brand I tried several years ago and they remain consistently top tier. I love that this brand actively tests for and optimizes the retention of antioxidants and micronutrients. They actually tested over 100 coffee brands and found that their antioxidant levels are 65% higher than the competition.
Purity is also B Corp certified, specialty grade, 3rd party tested and their coffee is produced on regenerative organic farms, making them of the best mold-free coffee brands on the market. I find the taste of Purity’s coffee beans to be very clean and smooth, and consistently so as I’ve been buying from them for years. Commercial coffee just can’t compare. I also tried their sachets because they’re so travel-friendly and the taste is noticeably weaker but still quite smooth.
Price: $26 for 12 oz / $129 for 5 lb
How it tastes: smooth, clean, crisp
Bean type: Ground, whole bean, pods and sachets
Bag size: 12 oz and 5 lb
Decaf available: Yes
✔ B Corp Certified ✔ Produced on regenerative organic farms ✔ Specialty Grade ✔ 3rd party tested
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I tried RYZE Organic Mushroom Coffee (coffee alternative)
RYZE is like coffee, but a healthier alternative in that it’s enhanced with superfood mushrooms. Side note, I’ve tried quite a few Four Sigmatic products, but I prefer RYZE’s quality. They’re certified USDA Organic and the mushrooms are grown organically and sustainably right in California. There’s still some Organic Arabica coffee, but each cup contains less than half the caffeine of a regular cup of joe. I love that it has 6 different mushrooms Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Shiitake, Turkey Tail and King Trumpet plus a bit of healthy fat from organic MCT oil and no sneaky additives or sweeteners. This earthy blend helps with focus, gut health, immunity, mood and recovery. I have a tendency to drink way too much coffee, so I like to alternate with RYZE’s coffee alternative and mushroom matcha to not overcaffeinate myself. The downside is it’s super pricey as a one-off purchase. I think it’s only worth it if you want to commit to a subscription.
Price: $45 for 6.35 oz
How it tastes: earthy 😂
Bag size: 6.35 oz only
✔ USDA Organic ✔ Functional adaptogenic mushrooms with organic arabica coffee
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I tried Lifeboost Coffee Medium Roast
Lifeboost makes low-acid, sustainable, toxin-free coffee that’s mountain shade grown in one of Nicaragua’s National Protected Areas. For the price point, their coffee somewhat paled in comparison to other brands to be honest. The medium roast tasted nutty and robust enough but maybe just a touch sour and lacked the complexity and uniqueness that other coffees that cost $28 had. People seem to really love this brand, especially those with sensitive stomachs, so I may be in the minority here! I can confirm that it tastes low acid and smooth though.
Price: $27.95 for 12 oz ($2.33 per oz)
How it tastes: low acid and smooth
Bean type: Ground, whole bean and pods
Bag size: 12 oz
Decaf available: Yes
✔ Certified Organic ✔ Fair trade and Direct Trade

I tried Vitacup Low Acid Coffee (best instant coffee!)
I’ve tried both Vitacup’s ground coffee and instant coffee and I think they make the best organic instant coffee in the game (not that there’s a lot of options out there). I find their little packets especially convenient when I’m traveling to developing countries or staying at airbnb’s where organic coffee and decaf isn’t available. I can definitely tell the taste is soo much richer than commercial options. Vitacup is organic, low acid, and third-party tested for mycotoxins and pesticides and they use beans from Mexico. They differ from other clean coffee brands in that they enhance their products with extra antioxidants and vitamins like ginseng, electrolytes, turmeric, fiber and more. Even though Vitacup ground coffee wouldn’t be my first pick, I like that it’s affordable, and it’s a versatile product for those looking to get in extra nutrients. They offer sooo many varietals: electrolyte coffee, mushroom coffee, magnesium caffeine-free coffee for sleep, and even slim coffee for those looking to slim down.
Price: $13.99 for 10 oz / $25 for 20 oz
How it tastes: clean, smooth
Bean type: Ground, whole bean, pods and instant coffee
Bag size: 10 oz and 20 oz
Decaf available: Yes
✔ Produced on regenerative organic farms ✔ Specialty Grade ✔ 3rd party tested free of mycotoxins

I tried Natural Force Clean Coffee
I like Natural Force’s other products, so I tried their USDA Organic Clean Decaf Coffee which uses the Swiss Water Method. It didn’t disappoint! I love the pure, clean and smooth taste of their coffee. In terms of quality and safety, they are among the best and are lab-tested for mold, mycotoxins, and pesticides, high altitude and shade grown as well as Specialty Grade.
Price: $27 for 12 oz / $119 for 5 lb
How it tastes: smooth and clean
Bean type: Ground and whole bean
Bag size: 12 oz and 5 lb
Decaf available: Yes
✔ B Corp Certified ✔ USDA Organic ✔ Specialty Grade ✔ 3rd party tested

I tried BulletProof Coffee
I tested the famous BulletProof Coffee, a brand known for including fats like grass-fed butter or ghee and was surprised at how much I liked the taste considering the affordable price. There’s faint sweet and nutty notes that are super subtle. But compared to the more high-end bags, it leaves you wanting for more in the flavor department. Bulletproof sustainably sources from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms and 3rd party test for toxins and mold to ensure safety. I appreciate that they offer a reasonable price for mold-free coffee that’s still high quality and would consider them to be a great option for people who can’t spend over $20 for a bag but don’t want to go super cheap either.
Price: $15.99 for 12 oz
How it tastes: rich and nutty
Bean type: Ground, whole bean and pods
Bag size: 12 oz and 36 oz
Decaf available: Yes
✔ Rainforest Alliance Certified ✔ Sustainable sourced ✔ Specialty Grade (evaluated by the Specialty Coffee Association) ✔ 3rd party tested

I tried Kion Coffee
I actually came to discover Kion during my recent fitness journey when I needed a quality clean protein powder and amino acids, but I also tried their USDA certified organic coffee to see how it compared to other brands I love drinking. Kion’s 100% organic Arabica beans that are grown and harvested on sustainable, fair-trade coffee cooperatives in Honduras and roasted locally in Boulder, Colorado. They’re USDA Organic Certified, Specialty Grade and they do test for mold, mycotoxins and pesticides. You can choose from light, medium, and dark roast as well as decaf. I find the taste to be smooth, clean and slightly nutty, but wish they had more flavors!
Price: $24.95 for 12 oz
How it tastes: clean and rich with sweet notes
Bean type: Ground and whole bean
Bag size: 12 oz only
Decaf available: Yes
✔ USDA Organic ✔ Specialty Grade ✔ 3rd party tested
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I tried Amazon Fresh Organic Coffee (cheapest!)
Yes, I tried Amazon’s super cheap organic coffee for testing purposes. Their fair trade coffee is a healthier option for those on a tight budget, but I found that even their Dark Roast tastes more like instant coffee (so consider yourself warned!). It definitely doesn’t have the complexity or quality of flavor that other brands have. At under $8 for a 12 oz bag, Amazon Fresh’s coffee is ridiculously affordable though! They use 100% Arabica coffee beans and have a wide variety of roasts (light, medium and dark) along with whole bean and ground coffee options. So it’s not the highest quality and far from the best tasting, but it’s still a healthier option.
Price: $7.34 for 12 oz ($0.61 per oz)
How it tastes: thin and more like instant coffee
Bean type: Ground and whole bean
Decaf available: Yes but not organic
Bag size: 12 oz only
✔ Organic and fair trade ✔ 100% Arabica coffee beans

I tried Subtle Earth Organic Coffee
I gave Subtle Earth coffee’s light roast a try, but found the brand lacking in options. They only offer 2 lb whole bean bags and I don’t want to grind my coffee eeevery morning. I found it to taste smooth and nutty, but not as and complex as more expensive brands. It’s very easy on my stomach! I couldn’t find anything about 3rd party testing so they don’t go the extra mile to ensure safety, but Subtle Earth is USDA certified organic and small batch roasted.
Price: $26.25 for 2 lb ($0.82 per oz)
How it tastes: smooth and nutty
Bean type: Whole bean
Bag size: 2 lb only
Decaf available: Yes
✔ Certified Organic ✔ Small batch roasted ✔ 100% Arabica beans
I tried Canyon Coffee (an LA local fave)
As a Los Angeles native, I’ve of course tried Canyon Coffee. This is an LA local favorite with the wellness girlies! Their high quality organic coffee is certified organic regenerative and roasted locally in Los Angeles Echo Park. But they do not 3rd party test their products, which may deter some people. The flavor is really well rounded, robust and rich. Canyon Coffee offers ground and whole bean options, instant coffee, half caffeinated coffee, cold brew and seasonal coffees in 12 oz and 5 lb bags.
Price: $18 for 12 oz / $92 for 5 lb
How it tastes: rich and caramelly
Bean type: Ground, whole bean and instant
Bag size: 12 oz and 5 lb
Decaf available: Yes and half-caffeinated
✔ Produced on regenerative organic farms ✔ USDA Organic
My Verdict
After testing all the top-rated organic coffee brands, my favorites are Biodynamic Coffee by Holistic Roasters and Fabula. They’re not only the highest quality and healthiest cup of coffee but also the tastiest!

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My OGEE review (what I liked and didn’t like)

Andrea is a clean beauty expert from Los Angeles, California with 10 years of experience in natural skincare and organic living. She writes for Organic Beauty Lover using her expertise to guide readers in choosing the best clean products. Andrea graduated from the University of Southern California in 2012 and has worked at multiple skincare companies, big and small. Connect with her @organicbeautylover.
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