I Tried Clean Incense Sticks (Here’s What I Liked Best!)

I looove natural incense sticks to cleanse and scent my home when I don’t feel like burning a candle. Incense sticks have this amazing spiritual aspect to them and a rich history that goes back thousands of years. They’re practically sacred so why would anyone want to burn synthetic incense (yuck). I’m sharing what non-toxic incense sticks are used for and what you should look for when trying to find the best.

What are clean incense sticks?

They’re thin, usually bamboo-based sticks coated with a mixture of natural materials and essential oils that release a fragrant smoke when burned. Instead of harmful synthetic fragrance, non-toxic incense sticks will use 100% natural ingredients from the earth.

What are non-toxic incense sticks used for?

1. Aromatherapy: Incense sticks have an incredibly unique aroma. Depending on the ingredients used, the scent they release can have calming, uplifting, or energizing effects. The aroma creates a tranquil environment and encourages the mind and body to take pause.

2. Religious and Spiritual Practices: During ancient times, Incense sticks were commonly used in religious ceremonies and rituals across various cultures. Cultures back in the day believed the smoke carried prayers to the heavens, purified the environment and created a sacred atmosphere.

3. Meditation and Yoga: Incense is often used during meditation and yoga to help focus the mind, deepen relaxation, and create a serene atmosphere.

4. Air Freshening: Lastly, a lot of people use incense simply to freshen up the air in their homes and mask odors

My Fave Clean Incense Sticks!

incense nontoxic incense clean natural incense sticks

Incenzo (Andrea’s Fave!)

Incenzo makes the most authentic, best smelling clean incense sticks I’ve tried. I tried five of their scents and Untie is by faaaar my absolute fave! Incenzo is a Taoist-inspired, all natural and handcrafted incense line that is as authentic as it gets. The sticks are  handcrafted by craftsmen with the techniques and skills that have been handed down for over 2000 years since the Song Dynasty in ancient China. They’re rooted in the Taoist philosophy of “Wuwei,” which means “to be” and “to be present, to be in a state of natural flow.” Each box comes with 25 sticks that burn for 30 minutes each and a portable incense holder. I highly recommend trying their Lotus scent – it is so unique and soothing. I find the scent fills up my entire spacious living room and if I light in the bedroom the scent travels all around the home.

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Price: $35-$49 for 25 sticks
Scents offered: Sandalwood, Osmanthus, Cedar, Pear Blossom, Lotus, Cypress, Plum Blossom, Ambergris, Wormwood, Peach Blossom, Acronychia Wood and Jasmine
Packaging: 100% recycled paper

Shop Here
sea witch botanicals natural incense sticks

Sea Witch Botanicals

I’m a big fan of Sea Witch Botanicals, their whole brand ethos and also their all-natural incense sticks of course! They’re a B Corp company, certified vegan, 1% for the Planet (meaning they donate 1% of profits to environmental causes) and working towards becoming zero waste. Sea Witch Botanicals’ incense is great for purifying the air because their bamboo sticks contain bamboo-derived activated charcoal. I looove their essential oil blends which are usually a blend of at least three different oils and find that they fill up the room super well. These sticks are longer than my other incense brands and last a little longer too. Each box comes with 20 sticks in a recyclable paper packet and are super affordable. Sea Witch Botanicals offers the most variety of incense sticks.

Price: $15 for 20 sticks
Scents offered: Orange/Cinnamon/Clove, Fir Needle/Cedwarwood Atlas, Lavender/Rosemary, Lavender/Patchouli/Citrus, Star Anise, Frankincense/Fir/Peppermint/Holiday Spices, Frankincense/Spiced Herbs/Mulled Cider, Coffee/Vanilla/Bergamot, Jasmine/Ylang Ylang/Peppermint/Orange, Camphor/Rose Geranium/Herbs, Lemongrass/Fir/Frankincense/Tea Tree, Ylang Ylang/Bergamot, Ginger/Vanilla/Orange, Cedarwood/Sandalwood/Holy Basil/ Lemon
Packaging: 100% recycled paper

clean nontoxic incense stick cedar & myrrh

Cedar & Myrrh

Cedar & Myrrh is a high-end wellness ritual brand that I discovered while shopping around for clean incense sticks. Their all natural bamboo sticks are hand-rolled in Peru and are made with charcoal, sawdust of palo santo wood and vegetable gum. I find these to be super high quality sticks and I like that they’re thicker than other sticks and break less often on me. These have a 45 minute burning time and release a subtle and super soothing scent which focuses on one single ingredient.

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Price: $18 for 7 sticks
Scents offered: Lavender, White Sage, Cinnamon, Palo Santo, Black Copal
Packaging: 100% recycled paper

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